Tosçelik’s Quality Policy:
Tosçelik's quality policy is to offer the best quality products to its customers in the light of our corporate philosophy and by using a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of API Specification Q1 Quality Management System Requirements for Organizations Providing Products for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry and TS EN ISO 9001 Quality Management System Standards.
Our main goal is to move forward safely, regardless of domestic and international markets and their situations, without compromising our production, service and principles in accordance with API Specification Q1 and TS EN ISO 9001 conditions.
Considering customer satisfaction as one of the most important priorities, our company offers the right and demanded products to the market, makes its reputation, brand and products known and reliable in Turkey and the foreign market and ensures that its reliability continues.
In order to achieve these goals and improve our quality targets with the participation of all our employees, our company;
· Improves all process, product and service quality and continuously improves the results related to these factors,
· Follows and uses the latest technology closely and effectively,
· Motivates our human resources through training and effective communication channels and directs them to our quality policy and quality targets,
· Protects the health and safety of our nature and our employees by meeting the expectations of our country,
· Committed to improving our corporate culture and image in accordance with total quality standards.
Policy awareness is ensured through quality trainings to ensure that our quality policy is constantly in compliance with changing conditions and that it is understood, implemented and maintained by employees, and its implementation and maintenance are inspected through audits throughout the year.
The quality policy is published on the Tosçelik website so that all employees within our organization can access it and is posted in relevant places in the field.
Tosçelik is committed to complying with the requirements of API Specification Q1 and TS EN ISO 9001 and constantly improving the effectiveness of its quality management system.